Monday, 27 September 2010


Keeping up with your dreams is hard. Especially when there are disappointments. Just today I've been trying to get a hold of some contact I got who works for a daily newspaper and meeen! He seems to be constantly in a meeting. What gives? Is he really busy or is he just dodging me?

I normally wonder, when trying to interest a contact in something I have to offer, should I just apply pressure ceaselessly until they break? Or make a phone call once every few days just to give the poor fellow space to breathe?

I tend to be very sensitive to people's feelings so I hate to think that my persistence is bugging someone. The flipside is, I don't think I have the luxury to be a ka-softy. There are many folks I've spoken to and others whose books I've read that claimed that if it wasn't for their pestering certain people they'd never have gotten the opportunity of a lifetime that changed their destiny.

So I guess I'll just have to 'kaa ngumu' like that dude I really don't like (Fred Gumo) and P.U.S.H.: Pressurise Until Something Happens!

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