Thursday, 11 November 2010

I'm free. Finally.

This is one of the few times that I'll be annoyingly secretive. I have something that's really been bugging me lately. Today, after days of agony it feels totally gone and I'm really elated. The weather's conspiring too to make my mood even better. Nothing but brilliant sunshine since early morn. What a glorious feeling. Peace like a sleeping babe.

Why I'm not telling just yet: I really must be sure that 'the monster's dead before I throw a party and tell the whole world. Plus there are a few smelly bits of monster droppings lurking around somewhere that I must clean out.

Until then, just share my joy and be happy for me. That's all I had to say.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Dullness to the nth power

This week is BORING! Boo! I hate it. Some action please, somebody, anybody!

Perhaps I'll take a random trip out of town, charge my batteries kidogo. Can't go on this way. Gilgil? Hmm, Soysambu Ranch might just do the trick. Lemme call my cousin and see...

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Breakthrough! Silver lining!...etc. etc.

To neutralize the sulky mood of the previous post, today I have some super news. After several attempts at getting my foot into a media house, my efforts have borne fruit. Woohaaah! That's how it felt the day the sun finally shone on me. Quite a welcome relief to the way things had been going the last two months.

Remember my frustration with trying to get audience with some fellow who works for a daily newspaper? Well, I gave up following on that lead; it felt like such a dead end I could actually touch the cold concrete of its wall. Happily there were better times right round the corner. Here's the saga.

I'd gone to see my cousin at some exhibition where her company was participating. As we chatted, this guy with a broadcast-quality video camera came to the stand and I naturally inquired what station he worked for. It turned out he works for one of the new digital TV stations that's been hovering around undetected by most mortals that don't have a digital set-top box (like me). The station is a sister company to the one my cousin works for. How coincidental is that?

Without a doubt I was immediately on my cousin's case trying to milk each detail about the station out of her, but she was rather ignorant and only knew that it was in the same building that she worked in. She however knew someone she worked with that was more clued in than she and after she pointed her out to me we got acquainted and arranged a date when we would meet and chat.

Long story short, my contact this time was the real deal and eager to help so in a week and a half I was at the TV station's offices talking with the current programs manager about the station and my desire to work with them. That was meeting one. By meeting two we were discussing an idea I had for a show that the programs manager actually liked. Wow! "Not to worry," I told him. "There's more where that came from." And with that I was given an invitation to visit the station anytime and present any other gems that I'd mined from my creative mind (rhyme?!).

Had things taken a turn for the fabulous or what? The rush I had after that meeting; a mixture of relief, delight and maybe a little fright, is indescribable!

Is this finally it? Have I hit the media jackpot? Will I soon be the talk of gossip mags, radio stations...wait...might I even end up on The Bench with Jeff (gasp!)?

Whoa, slow down homie. There's still lots to be done plus your first script hasn't even been officially accepted yet. And the programs manager could be a crook who gladly takes your ideas and runs with them, giving neither credit nor money to you, leaving you crushed and dejected in the dust.

What's with the negativity all of a sudden? Take a deep breath and just relax. Enjoy the experience and keep writing and hoping and praying. The rest is up to someone else.