Saturday, 20 June 2009

Cisco and beyond

- It is finally here: the Cisco era. I attend a class at least 4 times a week and boy/girl, is it fun! I get the feeling the proffesseur is pushing the envelope and teaching more that the scope of the curriculum, but that can't hurt me can it?

- John Taylor Gatto still make SO much sense to me. Going through some mp3's of his speeches right now. I urge one and all to search the net for his material. It's good, deep stuff to chew on in one's free time. It sure beats watching endless series (24, Heroes...), the empty voyeurism of facebook etc.

- Finally met up (socially) with my telephone friend. She's not half bad actually (nice, firm figure, ahem.) Uses the word 'bastard' a bit too freely for my comfort but she's not as wild as I had feared either, considering her age. Where will this liason end I wonder? I sense a landmine of sorts. Nice and quiet on the outside but when you set foot on it..BOOM! You lose that foot. Careful.

- I'm off for an intervention in a bit. Almost called it 'charity work' but that would have de-personalised it. It's not one of those Corporate Social Responsibility things, its a couple of friends in trouble that another friend and I are trying to sort out. More on this later.

- The immediate future looks sizzling, I can hardly wait for every next happening to happen. The coming week should be a thriller of an episode. Watch this space, I'll probably be itching to catalogue it. 'Till then, I bid y'all farewell.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

'09 - Rambling commentary...

- Can't remember a more peaceful transition into a new year. Guess it's because of the contrast with what last year was like. Can't say there's much to complain about.

One blip in the radar though: the addition to the cubicle is M.I.A. Not A.W.O.L. though. That's the official story from H.Q. Strange happenings here. All rumor, not enough fact. Well, live and let live; it's the only way for now.

- New kid on the block: wonderful personality! Great, soothing contrast to previous occupants. Had almost resigned myself to a life of forbearance and longsuffering. Thank You for the respite.

- Amorous thoughts have been on my mind lately. Rather strong ones. Could it be TIME? I hope so. Need to move to the next level and stop thinking of and caring for self alone.

Question: Where to find a kind lass with what it takes?
Answer: She can't be found. Can only be delivered. Wish I knew how to track the parcel... how far is it?
(What would change if I knew?)

Question: Do I have what it takes?
(Quick)Answer: Clearly, I've still got some character formation to complete. No doubt.